Ruth has supplied some pictures (via Facebook). Wi-Fi in Rio is not very good, and 3G data is very expensive(!) so she has not been able to send a separate set just for the blog. Hope they give the general idea!
Boat’s-Eye View of Departure
Life at Sea
Neptune Visits – and it gets hot!
Approach to Rio, Arrival and Sightseeing.
Phew – quite a lot of pictures there!
The next leg begins on Wednesday 7 October, 1800 UTCÂ (that is 7 pm in the UK). LMAX Exchange and Qingdao will start later than the main fleet to give time to complete repairs to damage sustained on the stopover in Rio. So, back to the race viewer soon.
Until next time,
The Support Team (aka Ruth’s Dad)
Enjoy leg 2, looking forward to following your adventure
Hi Ruth
Well done to all for your fourth place. Some fantastic photos, looks like you’re having an amazing time, no surprise there though!
Good luck on the next leg and looking forward to hearing more.
Take care
Love Carole